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What is Organizational Design?

Design Organizacional

Organizational Design is the process of designing, defining or adapting the organizational structure. It usually tries to answer:

The organizational structure usually has explicit elements such as organizational chart, roles, job descriptions, chains of command, board of directors, processes, policies, and so on. But it also has implicit or intangible aspects, such as the network of personal relationships and the informal flow of information.

When creating a company or organization, most people use some basic and familiar elements and patterns that define the organizational structure. Elements such as the chain of command, a structure of positions, and departments with managers soon come to mind. With these traditional elements, some common phenomena happen as the organization grows.

Problems like these or the need for a strategic change generate the famous re-organizations. Deep changes in the organizational structure that in the end end up using the same elements described before, or sometimes adding “innovations”, like the matrix structure.

The results change little and we start looking for answers, usually blaming other people and their capacities.

Our Approach to Organizational Design

We understand that in order to escape the most common pitfalls encountered by companies, we need a radically different organizational design.

We call “Evolutionary Design” this process that follows some principles:

These principles are the basis of frameworks such as Holacracy. They are made concrete through a meta-process (a set of rules) that allow the creation of a new type of organizational structure called nested circles.

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