Target Teal

Working on a startup? Innovate in the “how”, not only in the “what”

A new idea, a new business plan. Another round of investments.

Hitting the breakeven, conquering a beautiful slice of the market. Then escalate. And grow.

You fill yourself with pride, after all, now you are an (intra) entrepreneur. You are part of a bombastic and innovative business. It’s great to be in this place.

Congratulations on getting here! But know that all other startups are doing exactly the same thing.

The question that remains is: what can you do that others are not doing?

I’m not just talking about a competitive advantage. It’s much more than that.

They are *things* that can make your business have a much deeper impact. They are culture, structure and purpose.


The organizational culture is not about the business itself, but about how things are done in your company.

Without a good culture, you cannot execute the business plan or attract good talents.

The problem we have observed is that most companies find that organizational culture is colored puffs and decompression rooms. But it’s much more than that. Inefficiency and excessive meetings are also a cultural trait.

To make matters worse, most of the organizations we come across still do not know how to deal with this issue.


Structure refers to how work is organized. Are there command lines? Hierarchy? How is authority distributed? How do you deal with autonomy?

As we said in the post “Goodbye, startup, Hello corporation”, it is very likely that your company is still stuck in the same organizational structure of the industrial revolution: the hierarchical pyramid.

You want to make a big transformation in the world through your product, right? A great place to start is by changing the way you hand out authority.

We at Target Teal believe that a paternalistic and domineering relationship (as it happens in the hierarchy) does not match today’s world.

Afinal, ter um chefe que determina as suas tarefas, o seu futuro na empresa e a sua remuneração não é uma coisa muito inovadora, não é? ;)


Millennials prefer to work with purpose more than a good salary. Still, meaningless employment is prevalent in the world. In the US, only 32 percent of workers are engaged in what they do from 9am to 5pm.

Startups still have a major challenge ahead: 1) creating sustainable business, 2) generating impact, and 3) attracting people who connect with that impact. In general they have done “well” the first, but pay little attention to the second and third.

If you have a good purpose, you do not need to create “incentive schemes” to punish or benefit people. They will naturally be moved by it.

Startups are with their attention totally focused on the business. However, they fail to look inside and understand how things are done.

By better exploring the culture, structure, and purpose of your organization, you will certainly be able to generate more impact, move hearts, and create an environment that makes more sense to the world today.

If you need help on this journey, do not forget to call us ;)

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